Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Here are some pictures from January we went to Abuela and Abuelo's house one day for breakfast and had a great time. Abuela let Elias play the piano, and he loved it. He likes instruments a lot! Faith is growing fast, she is now standing up holding on to things. Now that she can reach the Diego table - I really have to be careful with drinks and food that are left there! She is still a tiny girl, she just barely is a little more than double her birth weight and she turns 12 months in March! She eats really good, she does prefer to feed herself than to be spoon-fed I'm finding out.

1 comment:

Becki said...

Wow, Faith and Elias look so much alike! I love their curls. :) I wish we could have been there at breakfast with you! We miss you guys!